On your SheTravels adventure, you will experience JOY! We know this comes from several components & we’re committed to building each one into every adventure.
AUTHENTICITY SheTravels surrounds you with guides and fellow travelers who understand the experience of being a woman of color. This allows you to be your best, most free self as you get to know your trip-mates. No one to doubt the details of your lived experience. No one to ask why you do things the way you do them. We all know what it feels like to have to put on a mask to be seen, heard, and believed. SheTravels is committed to creating an environment where you get to put your mask down and just…be.
COMMUNITY Each trip will open with a formal opportunity to learn about one another and what we expect from our time together. Whether you desire a week of fun, an opportunity for self-discovery, or to simply breathe fresh air, sharing our purpose helps us collectively support one another.
SUPPORT Sometimes we experience tough moments in the outdoors. Rest assured that any challenges you face while adventuring, your guides (and trip-mates) have been there and they are ready to lean in and help. Our guides are Wilderness First Aid Certified and know how to quickly care for our guests’ safety in the event of an emergency.
LAUGHTER I have a friend who says, “This I know for sure…when sisters come together to laugh, God smiles, and hearts are healed.” At SheTravels, we are FIRM believers that laughter is amazing medicine, and part of a great vacation experience is having fun with some belly aching laughs along the way. Laughter heals, builds community, and energizes. Laughter creates lasting memories for you to take home and remember during those tough moments in the daily grind.
GRATITUDE It’s hard NOT to find yourself practicing gratitude when surrounded by majestic mountains, a roaring river, or a beautiful beach. At SheTravels Adventure Company you will not only feel gratitude for your surroundings, but also for your body that carries and supports you through these amazing places, and the people who share and shape the experience with you.
RELEASE Studies show that there’s stress-relieving, healing power in spending time in nature. While not scientific, your SheTravels team believes the more awesome the nature, the more healing the experience. That’s why we’re committed to showing you the BEST of what our adventure destinations have to offer. After spending time surrounded by nature’s majesty, you will find yourself breathing a little easier.